Industrial Baghouse – Dust Collector

Air is considered to be polluted when it contains certain substances in concentrations high enough and for durations long enough to cause harm or undesirable effects. These include adverse effects on human health, property, and atmospheric visibility. The atmosphere is susceptible to pollution from natural sources as well as from human activities.

Airborne particles can be removed from a polluted airstream by a variety of physical processes. Common types of equipment for collecting fine particulates include cyclones, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and baghouse filters.

One of the most efficient devices for removing suspended particulates is an assembly of fabric-filter bags, commonly called a baghouse. A typical baghouse comprises an array of long, narrow bags—each about 25 cm (10 inches) in diameter—that are suspended upside down in a large enclosure. Dust-laden air is blown upward through the bottom of the enclosure by fans. Particulates are trapped inside the filter bags, while the clean air passes through the fabric and exits at the top of the baghouse.

A fabric-filter dust collector can remove very nearly 100 percent of particles as small as 1 μm and a significant fraction of particles as small as 0.01 μm. Fabric filters, however, offer relatively high resistance to airflow, which leads to substantial energy usage for the fan system.

Several compartments of filter bags are often used at a single baghouse installation. This arrangement allows individual compartments to be cleaned while others remain in service. The bags are cleaned by removing the excess layer of surface dust. This is done in several different ways: by mechanically shaking them; by temporarily reversing the flow of air and causing them to collapse; or by sending a short burst of air down through the bag, causing it to briefly expand. After the dust is removed from the filters, it falls into a hopper below and can be collected for disposal or further use.

Industries who use the baghouse approach for air pollution control range from agricultural (for dust and fumes such as flour, quartz dust, tobacco, and oyster shells) to industrial (for dust and fumes such as carbon, iron ore, cement crushing, paint pigments, and asbestos) to manufacturing (for dust and fumes such as silica, plastics, and paper products).

Our Baghouse and accessories are manufactured directly from China

It is important to us that we find out what is important to you, and offer the most effective solution for your specific dust collector needs.

To accomplish that, we will need to know as much of the following information from you as possible.

  • How much CFM will be needed for the Baghouse Dust Collector?

  • What type of material will you be collecting?  and how much dust do you usually dispose of in a day?

  • What is the bulk density of the material?

  • Approximately what air velocity (FPM) are you looking for?

  • Do you have an Air-to-Cloth Ratio in mind?

  • What is the Air Temperature projected at the inlet duct?

  • Is the material explosive?  If so, do you need a spark detection system, explosion vent, or sprinkler system?

  • Do you have a specific filter bag material and construction that you are looking for?